The Artist

Current Awards and Editorial Credits:
August 2023— "Best Of Show" Ocean City Fine Art Boardwalk Show
June 2023— Heather's entire collection of work awarded "Best In Show In Painting" at Manayunk Arts Festival
May 2023— "Yellow Means Go!" chosen by American Women Artists for their "Pushing Forward Reaching Back" National Juried Exhibition.
August 2022— "Best Of Show" Ocean City Fine Art Boardwalk Show
March 2022— American Women Artists & Customs House Museum award Heather Lynn Gibson "Distinguished Achievement Award for Still Life" for her painting "Egg Noodles".
December 2021— "Egg Noodles" chosen by American Women Artists for their "Breaking Through" National Juried Exhibition.
August 2021— "Best Of Show" Ocean City Fine Art Boardwalk Show
March 2021— "Winter Night In The City" chosen by American Women Artists for their "Lifting The Sky" National Juried Exhibition.
August 2020— "Loews On Market Street" and "I'd Like To Buy The World A Coke" are both chosen by Lincoln Gallery into their "2020 National Fine Art Show" exhibition.
July 2020— "Olivia" wins first place in Medford Art Center's juried "Just Faces" exhibition.
May 2020— Heather Lynn Gibson is awarded "Award Of Excellence" by American Women Artists & Booth Western Art Museum for her painting "She Stopped To Look Up."
Feb 2020— "She Stopped To Look Up" chosen by American Women Artists & Booth Western Art Museum for their "Making Their Mark" Juried Exhibition.
Oct 2019— "Thirsty Clipper" wins first place in Juried Fall Fine Art Show at Medford Arts Center
June 2019— Heather's entire collection of work awarded "Best In Show" at Manayunk Arts Festival
May/June 2019— "Beiler's In Reading Terminal"" showcased in Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine's "Eatery" article
May–Sept 2019—"2 Down, 7 To Go" chosen by American Women Artists & Steamboat Art Museum for their "Looking West" Juried Exhibition
April 2019—"Beiler's In Reading Terminal" chosen by American Women Artists' 2019 Spring Online Show
April 2019—granted "Signature Member" status by American Women Artists
Jan/Feb 2019— "Everyday City Life" showcased in Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine's "City Life" article
Jan/Mar 2019—"Resting On The Sea Of Galilee" chosen by Monmouth Museum for their 40th Annual Juried Exhibition
Nov 2018— "Observers In The Rotunda" wins first place Medford Arts Center's for "Small Works" exhibit.
Nov–Dec 2018— "Apple A Day" chosen by Monmouth Museum for "fabulous Foods" exhibit.
Oct 2018— "O Jerusalem" showcased in PleinAir Magazine's online article "Paint The City."
Sept 2018— first place winner of LBIF's Plein Air Plus national competition for "Air Lobster."
May 2018— chosen by Monmouth Museum to be one of six NJ Emerging Artists for 2018-2019
May/June 2018— "Buying Hydrangeas" showcased in Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine's "Floral" article
April 2018— granted "Associate With Distinction" by American Women Artists
April 2018— "Le Vieux Paris" juried into American Women Artists' Spring Online Show
Mar/Apr 2018— "Golden Apollo Gallery" showcased in Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine's "Looking Inside" article
Feb 2018— Detour On Main Street Published in PleinAir Magazine
January 2018— "Selfie d'Orsay" Fine Art Today's "Featured Artwork"
Oct/Nov 2017— PleinAir Magazine's PleinAir Salon winner of "Best Outdoor Still Life" category for painting titled, Detour On Main Street
October 2017— Inner Tubes Published in PleinAir Magazine
August 2017— "Best Of Show" Ocean City Fine Art Boardwalk Show
June/July 2017— PleinAir Magazine's PleinAir Salon winner of
"Best Outdoor Still Life" category for painting titled, Inner Tubes
Heather Lynn Gibson graduated valedictorian from Hussian School Of Art in Philadelphia, with a split major in illustration and design. Her art career started with Walt Disney's Animation Studio Florida, where she learned from some of the top artists in the field. Returning to her home state of New Jersey, Heather started her studio. As her art progressed, she gained more satisfied customers with her graphic design and illustration, such as Disney Design Group, Tyco Toys, and TD Bank.
Today, Heather is devoted to her fine art and utilizes her years of design expertise in her paintings. By choosing unique subject matter, unexpected point-of-view, or bold placement of elements on her canvas, she adds an inventive twist to each of her paintings. Heather's art is fresh. Bright colors of the underpainting pop throughout her final work, as her brushwork, highlights the texture of the canvas.
Heather's devotion to customer satisfaction is key—relationships are built. Her Collectors are Heather's biggest advocates, fans and friends.
Heather currently resides in Berlin, New Jersey with her son, Harrison, and her little dog, Sadie. She is a Signature Member of American Women Artists. Recently awarded "Distinguished Achievement Award in Still Life" by American Women Artists and Customs House Museum.
Upcoming Shows & Events:
June 7–9, 2024— Rittenhouse Square Spring Fine Art Show, Philadelphia, PA
June 22–23, 2024— Manayunk Arts Festival, NE Philadelphia, PA
August 2–4, 2024—Ocean City Fine Art Show on boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ
August 30–September 1, 2024— Long's Park Fine Art Show, Lancaster, PA
September 20–22, 2024— Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Art Show, Phila., PA
March 13–23, 2023— "Pushing Forward Reaching Back" American Women Artists 2023 National juried exhibit. Brooksgreen Gardens Murrells Inlet, SC
September 2–4, 2022— Long's Park Fine Art Show, Lancaster, PA
August 5–7, 2022—Ocean City Fine Art Show on boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ
June 25–26, 2022— Manayunk Arts Festival, NE Philadelphia, PA
June 3–5, 2022— Rittenhouse Square Spring Fine Art Show, Philadelphia, PA
March 5–29, 2022— "Breaking Through" American Women Artists 2022 National juried exhibit. Customs House Museum Clarksville, TN
September 25–26, 2021— Armonk Fine Art Show, Armonk, NY
September 17–19, 2021— Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Art Show, Phila., PA
September 3–5, 2021— Long's Park Fine Art Show, Lancaster, PA
August 6–8, 2021—Ocean City Fine Art Show on boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ
June 26–27, 2021— Manayunk Arts Festival, NE Philadelphia, PA
June 4–6, 2021— Rittenhouse Square Spring Fine Art Show, Philadelphia, PA
May 20–August 21, 2021— "Lifting The Sky" American Women Artists 2021 National juried exhibit.
September 4–October 4, 2020— Exhibiting juried-in work in "2020 National Fine Art Show" at Lincoln Gallery, Loveland, CO.
October 3–4, 2020— Armonk Fine Art Show, Armonk, NY-cancelled due to virus
September 13–15, 2020— Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Art Show, Philadelphia, PA-cancelled due to virus
August 11–12, 2020— Ocean City Fine Art Show on the boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ-cancelled due to virus
May 26–30, 2020— Opening reception and Gala for "Making Their Mark" American Women Artists/Booth Western Art Museum's juried exhibit. Cartersville, Georgia
February 22, 2020— Lambertville Plein Air Plus Invitational, Lambertville, NJ
December 1–28, 2019— Exhibiting work in "Wrap It Up" exhibit at Square Pear Gallery, Kennett Square, PA
November 1–30, 2019— Exhibiting work in "Little Gems" exhibit at Square Pear Gallery, Kennett Square, PA
October 11–November 3, 2019— 2019 Fall Juried Fine Art Show at Medford Arts Center, Medford, NJ
September 28–29, 2019— New Hope Arts & Craft Festival, New Hope, PA
September 13–15, 2019— Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Art Show, Philadelphia, PA
September 6–29, 2019— Exhibiting work in "Spaces And Faces" urban art exhibit at Square Pear Gallery, Kennett Square, PA
September 7–November 3, 2019— LBIF Plein Air Plus "Island Life" Exhibition, Long Beach Island, NJ
August 17–18, 2019— Collingswood Crafts & Fine Art Festival, Collingswood, NJ
August 2–4, 2019— Ocean City Fine Art Show on the boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ
July 1–August 31, 2019— LBIF Plein Air Plus Competition Paint Out, Long Beach Island, NJ
June 26–29, 2019— Opening reception and Gala for "Looking West" American Women Artists/Steamboat Art Museum's juried exhibit. Steamboat Springs, Colorado
June 22–23, 2019— Manayunk Arts Festival, NE Philadelphia, PA
June 7–9, 2019— Rittenhouse Square Spring Fine Art Show, Philadelphia, PA
May–September 2019— "Looking West" American Women Artists/Steamboat Art Museum's juried exhibit. Steamboat Springs, Colorado
January 12, 2019 – March 10, 2019— Monmouth Museum's 40th Annual Juried Exhibition, Monmouth, New Jersey
November 18 – December 30, 2018— "Fabulous Foods" Monmouth Museum's holiday exhibit, Monmouth, New Jersey
September 2018— Rittenhouse Square Fine Art Show, Philadelphia, PA
What Collectors are saying...
"...Beautiful, inventive painting—full of life, and a joy to see."
—Thomas W Schaller renown watercolorist
Judge of Plein Air Magazine's Salon

Heather’s oil paintings are naturally one of a kind. (My painting that I received as a gift) has even more uniqueness and meaning to me. Heather is a talented and gifted artist. I am honored to receive a piece of her work.
-Deana Harold (gifted by Frank Foy)

"...Heather's paintings make us feel as if we're apart of the scene. They are so colorful and alive. We happily own two of her paintings. Recommended her art to a friend, and he purchased a painting, too."
-Karen and Russ Bleakley

"...Heather's paintings draw you in because they are familiar and comfortable...created with cheerful, vibrant colors. We would recommend her artwork to friends and anyone who would love to brighten the rooms of their homes."
-Phil and Michele Mesisca
" My first interaction with Heather Lynn Gibson was four years ago...and was immediately drawn to her oil paintings. The first painting that I purchased from Heather was her Blue Glass Vase with a starfish. My eye was immediately drawn to that painting because of the realistic nature of the piece. I felt that I could reach out and touch the vase and pull it off the linen. The following year, my husband and I set out to find Heather at the art show again to hopefully purchase another painting. When we found her, Heather remembered us, by name! Not only is Heather an amazingly talented artist, she is a lovely and kind person. Fast forward to August of 2017 and we are the proud owners of six Heather Lynn Gibson's paintings!
I have proudly displayed them through our beach home and every day as I admire the paintings, I am still amazed at the attention to detail, the colors, the depth and how realistic her art is... Our latest purchase, Catamaran and Double Rainbow, is absolutely beautiful. I feel like I am sitting right on the beach watching the Catamarans admiring the Ocean City landscape in the background.
My husband and I are so happy to have met Heather Lynn Gibson, and her artwork has made our home more beautiful. As I am running out of wall space in our beach home, we now need to fill our primary home in PA with Heather's painting!"
– Diane and Vince Pappas